Thursday, July 22, 2010


Feeling chaotic in the brain today, I spent the majority of the afternoon working on an F-18 HORNET model fighter jet. Hunched over the coffee table, squinting my eyes and snipping 1/4" plastic pieces from their packets, the world became small and simple and full of order. Suddenly all that existed were these white and smooth objects that I knew would all, eventually, come together perfectly to create a beautiful, tidy jet airplane.
And it made me laugh. Because humans lust so intensely after life, and yet when we are confronted with life, all fluid and messy, we desire just as intensely to strip it dry in the name of order.
So then of course, when my jet was all built, all perfect and clean and adorned with precise decals, it still did not fly. For all its beauty and order, it had no life. And isn't that just the funniest dilemma.

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