Monday, December 29, 2008


It's been strange to be home. It's been hazy and unfocused the majority of the time, difficult to grasp. It seems to me that space can be as linear as time, especially when you're moving around a ton...or maybe space just latches on to time and follows its linear path in my mind.
But going back to places that I've spent certain times of my life at is like walking through a live stream of memory. What I end up seeing around me is the hazy love child of my memory of the place and what's actually there. It reminds me of dreams, when you know who everyone around you is, but physically they are nothing like how they appear in real life.
Actually, now that I'm writing this out, it doesn't really seem linear at all. It seems like every place is a big mess of everything that it has ever been or will be, and the more times through your life that you go there, the more you can see all that is there, from all time periods.
whoa okay that got kind of far out, but what I mean is that I don't find traveling back in space any less awe inspiring than traveling back in time.
I'm getting weary of all this space travel though actually (let's keep using that term because it's nice to sound like a galaxy explorer every once in a while). I'm thinking of putting some roots down. If Calgary treats me well I'll stay there for some time. Travel is romantic, but it certainly can be lonely. And in the end, a potted flower really is less appealing to me than a tree with sprawling, thirsty roots...Don't get me wrong, I will be a nursing tree, moss and flower covered, but I would like to keep my roots for a while, go to journalism school finally.

I found a nice quote in the introduction of a book I found at my grandparents house. It reads as follows:

"Growing up is like entering a jungle where some of the larger creatures look alarming and possible man eaters; and most of the smaller ones- like insects- go unnoticed. As one grows up, the jungle gets denser and denser and so, most likely, do you."
-The Countess of Ranfurly

I figure, if everyone's an animal, I think I'd rather be a tree. So wish luck to my roots! I will update in a week or two about how the settling in is going.

lots of love

oh and merry christmas and new year and things

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