Saturday, October 25, 2008

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

exploring an old house


Though my surroundings no longer include galleries or venues, I find myself abundantly inspired. What I come across in these small prairie hamlets seems to be the essence, and holds the heart, of what so much modern culture attempts to capture. I feel what I witness here is living truth, that has grown from the beginning all the way to what it has become. It is not a contrived construction, based on an idea of something fashionable, over aware of its boxed in persona.
Wishart does not emanate an "old fashioned" feeling of community and values because it has fabricated an imitation. It is pure remnants of history, simply slower to fade than elsewhere.


When I roam the abandoned houses and ancient tricycles and beds, I see completely unpretentious scenery. It holds no awareness that its beauty relates to a romanticized ideal. It lays open and raw, in honest gorgeousness, rooted in the lives of those who have passed.
The wood on these old barns has not been skillfully sanded to look 'rustic', for example, but rather has been brushed for decades by cows searching for greener pastures. For years it has seen harsh winters and fatal droughts that have faded and broken its wooden panels.


What I am trying to get at, in my convoluted way, is that despite the lack of common displays of culture out here, I have never felt so inspired. I feel that it is finally life's original truths inspiring me, instead of replicas of replicas of replicas. Everyday my eyes frame a beautiful showing for me and I am forever grateful for the quiet in which I am able to absorb it.

Here are some pictures and a video of an old house I found. This is a very old one, without much remaining inside, and it is in southern Saskatchewan not in Wishart, but it is beautiful nevertheless. I will also do some videos of the more crowded abandoned homes here in Wishart soon.
For now, I hope you are all doing well. I miss you very much.




some more photos...