Wednesday, August 27, 2008

b.c.'s little nugget

We woke in late morning to fill ourselves up with mugs of creamed coffee and warm, velvet raspberries. The afternoon held a wash of clouds high, dripped with sparse rain, but we laced our boots anyhow, and donned our hooded coats to explore., explore.
We let the dogs lead our path through the tall, sun bleached grass, along the ridge of the mountain. We passed the sway backed horses, the home built by the hands and eccentric ingenuity of her father, the small orchard, all the way to the lookout from atop a nearby hill.
Framed between two trees, we looked out to the far off river that rushed through those layered mountains.
what a sight!

It can be hard to grasp so much transient and passing landscape though, as I travel through. The present can feel like an object held so close to one's eye that it becomes ironically blurred.
But I'm grateful for those rare times when I am able to separate and view my current experiences as a whole. It makes them more tangible and more beautiful to me. Life can suddenly gain a quality similar to nostalgia, since it is allowing glimpses at simplicity and wholeness, like our way of grasping the enormity of our pasts.
It's just wonderful.


Tuesday, August 26, 2008

to the country

I do not value one thing over another, but rather the freedom to satisfy my desires in their dance through opposites. I do not believe in deciding on likes, just to box them in to constants in my life. That seems as naive as placing a bloomed flower in a glass case with the expectation that it will continue in its perfection despite its lack of rain, dirt, sunlight.
Happiness doesn't seem to be found in the isolation of what we think we want in our lives and from ourselves, but the realization of the exuberant life that flows from the romance between all opposites.

At this time in my life the city has bloomed and fallen, so that now a change of season is required to harvest my future blooms. I do not argue that I love or long for the city more than the country, or the country more than the city, but I am grateful for the opportunity to ride these tides out to sea as much as I do to shore.
I pray to never feel posession and control over what makes me happy, as it would surely only weaken, if not kill, all these gifts that are powered by the circles of life.